>From Harry:

> I was not judging Rossi's current claims against his past misdeeds.
> However, I am sorry to say this, but Rossi's current conduct is another
> matter. His aggressive responses to unfavorable criticism, his growing
> list of inconsistent statements and his highly dubious demonstrations
> have undermined my trust in him. Now it is Rossi's turn to persuade
> me that he is NOT engaging in fraud.

You may have a long way, Harry.

I seriously doubt Rossi cares a hoot about the need to regain the
trust of speculators, like any of us on this list. In the greater
scheme of things, we're not that important.

Sill, it will be interesting to see if Rossi & Defkalion can keep any
of their grandiose promises by the end of October. Until more
developments are forth coming, all I can do is simply wait and see.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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