Terry Blanton wrote:

Trust but verify.

I don't get that. If you have verified, you don't need to trust. It makes more sense to say:

Don't trust; verify.


Why bother trusting if you can verify?

This was with regard to weapons reductions in the Reagan era. By that time, both sides had excellent satellite spy systems so they implement a treaty wherein missile solos were blown up, the top covers smashed, and both sides could confirm the other side had done that. It was wise of the leaders to agree to this. It was enlightened. But trust did not enter into it -- it was based on what had become verifiable. The wisdom was in recognizing that technology had developed enough to allow such verification, and that it was in everyone's best interest to reduce the number of weapons.

With regard to experimental claims, I never trust people. I only trust instruments, and only after I have verified them by comparing them to other instruments.

- Jed

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