David Roberson wrote:

Further support for a lower net flow rate during the October 6 testing is given by the measurement performed by Mats near the end of the run. He very carefully measured a rate of .9 grams per second being careful not to disturb the plumbing. This value coupled with the assumed leakage rate (2 kilograms per hour or .55555 grams per second) adds up to approximately 1.45 grams per second input.

I do not think this indicates a flow rate of 1.45 g/s. I think the power level was much higher previous to this, and the water level in the box was falling. During the 6 min. that Lewan measured the flow rate of 0.9 g/s, all of that water was condensate from steam that left the box. None of it was overflow.

During this 6 min. period (and before and after) the water level was rising and it might have overflowed eventually, if the power had remained low.

- Jed

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