Charles Hope <> wrote:

Jed, in your opinion, why does Rossi bother with these demoes, if they don't
> impress fence sitters, and he doesn't need new investors?

It seems to clear to me why he did these demos. Different reasons:

Oct. 6 was a demonstration. It proved beyond any question the device is
real. Anyone who doubts that is a scientific illiterate, in my opinion. The
proof is in the physical shape, configuration and the temperatures you can
feel even without instruments. People who do not understand basic physics,
and who look only at instrument readings instead of the experiment itself
may convince themselves it proved nothing. That is because Rossi is sloppy
with instruments. If he had included another K-type thermocouple and an SD
card, he would have convinced most of these people as well.

Oct. 28 was a customer acceptance trial. It sure looked like that to me. An
engineer came and measured everything, and then noted it was fine except
there are some leaking gaskets. Rossi allowed some of his friends to attend.
He wined them and dined them, just for the fun of it. He said beforehand
that the test would be "closed" and he meant it. By the way, he blamed
*me*for that. Me personally, in a e-mail. That was after I told him he
is sloppy
and rude to his audience. He took offence and said 'just for that I will
make the Oct. 28 test closed. No more demonstrations!' (Something like
that.) I think he was looking around for an excuse to close the test, and he
decided to blame me.

I copied my message to him here, and it is pretty much what I wrote here:

What it boils down to is that Rossi hates to reveal information. He likes to
micromanage things. He wants you look over his shoulder at a computer and
trust whatever he says. He really, really hates it when
people criticize him. He pretends to be oh-so-tough I don't care what anyone
thinks, but in fact he is a thin-skinned as a teenage kid. Also he is sloppy
and he does not understand how to do a proper, convincing
demonstration. Those attitudes are not productive for a scientist or
engineer. We all have our limitations.

What he is trying to do now is to make money selling individual reactors,
and getting a contract with what I suspect is a mid-level, go-go Italian
company, Manutencoop. That is actually a pretty good choice. But he could do
a lot better. Some people I know have offered him huge sums of money. He
ignores them or blows them away because they insist that he must allow real
testing, he must hand over all of his secrets, and he must let them make the
business decisions. Rossi resembles Patterson and many others in that he
would take this technology to the grave with him, so that no one gets it,
rather than lose control or do what other people want him to do.

Regarding Manutencoop, someone should check the earlier spreadsheets to see
where they came from. I don't think I have that software on this computer.

- Jed

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