Keeping "feet on fire" is a good way of wasting valuable research and
development time.
Would you like to do your work while some know-it-all smart alec is lobbing
rocks at your skull? You justify your actions by saying  it was a scam and
total trash, by your estimate. Now you give the usual (the ever-present)
"Just prove it to me and I*ll believe you and stop trying to disprove it by
vaguely informed and vaguely uninformed information". If we continue on
this and pick any single exotic energy technology, you'll roll out the "But
if it's so damn good, why don't they close the loop and prove to everyone
it totally majorly works".

There is nothing useful coming out of you. You will never support anything.
You exist to detract and to put down, to destroy.

You are not a creator and never will be.
It's a shame because there is so much  that could be done on this planet.

I hope you get your kicks from writing negativity  and have a happy life.
It's tainted.

I have only one quote for you:
"Do you create anything, or just criticize others work and belittle their
motivations?"  -Steve Jobs

On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Mary Yugo <> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Esa Ruoho <> wrote:
>> mary yugo appeared on the Steorn forums and has never been supportive of
>> any exotic energy technology developer, company or anything.
>> this pseudonym is just a hater.
> Most people now believe that Steorn was a scam.  Are you suggesting I
> should support a scam.  Name a single exotic energy technology or developer
> who has proven they have a valid method that I hated or failed to support
> or don't accuse me being a "hater".  I will cop to the charge of hating
> scammers.  I despise them.  I think that makes perfect sense.  I can't
> imagine why one would have affection for thieves.
> One of the reasons Steorn was not able to waste more investor money than
> they did was that the critics and skeptics on their forum kept their feet
> to the fire.  Even then, as recently as 6 months ago, someone sank another
> half million Euros in Steorn.  I found that pretty amazing.  I guess there
> are always some people who are beyond help and don't listen to reason.

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