Am 16.11.2011 02:57, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Mary Yugo < <>> wrote:

    If I knew something worth a vast fortune, I'd consult with the
    best possible people about how to protect it. I'd pay them well
    and do what they said to.

How do you know Rossi is not doing that? He has hired top experts at NI to design his control systems. He is not a fool. I disagree with some of his business decisions. I agree with others. Most of them I know nothing about, and neither do you.
NI has not confirmed this.

NI has confirmed tha they have not bought a 1MW plant.
They have confirmed that Rossis company Leonardo is a customer and intends to use NI's regular stock products in a project as many other engineers and customers do.
Details are still under development.

NI has not said, he has hired top experts. These are not needed for standard applications and stock products. Why do you exaggerate and support these officially disconfirmed rumours which where first raised by a magnet motor promoter who has raised many other disconfirmed rumours about miraculous free energy devices in past and who now makes a website on Rossis domain that is not authorized by Rossi?

Do you think you are still taken for serious?


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