
I agree with you completely that the other tests did not have dry vapor output. 
 I concluded that the October 6 test had a quality of about 20% at the time
that Mats Lewan collected his .91 grams/second measurement.  If this latest 
monster cat was a copy of those devices in parallel, then I would be in the
same camp as Cude.

But, Rossi definitely appears to have 3 cores active for the 1 MW components.  
They put out at least 2 times the power in the self sustaining mode as
the October 6 test device and the positive feedback due to core interaction 
makes the time domain fall off rate much less.

These devices are different animals due to the added cores.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Leguillon <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sat, Nov 19, 2011 12:35 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:High school physics says > 1 GJ excess energy for the Oct. 28 

ave you examined the earlier E-Cat tests? Before the "Fat-Cat" (or as Nasa 
alls it the "Ottoman", Rossi was claiming complete vaporization under 
ircumstances that were obviously, I mean REALLY obviously, wrong.
his is the main reason that skeptics have been referring to the condensed, 
ecirculating, steam as "the steam trick" redux.
ou may have reviewed all of this, and if so, I apologize. You just seem to make 
ome intelligent observations, and I wonder if you are missing some background 
rom June and earlier.
id you read:
t's a great summation of what Cude is trying to get across.

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