I didn't originate this.  I reprint it with minor changes from ecatnews.com.

quote starts here *-------

A curious note about the “famous” guaranteed COP of 6.

Energy required to heat 1 kg of water from 20 to 100 °C (80 degrees
difference)= 4.181 kJ * 80 = 335 kJ

Latent heat of vaporisation of 1 kg of water: 2260 kJ

I am Rossi and I declare that my water is vaporised even if it’s not:  FAKE
COP = (2260+335)/335 = 7.7

Let’s say my water is just 2% vaporised (very wet steam)   FAKE

Let’s say my water is just 5% vaporised (still wet steam)   FAKE

So that’s why the COP is about 6


quote ends  here *-------

From:  http://ecatnews.com/?p=1392&cpage=1#comment-9761

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