His name was Thales of Miletus.  <g>

> Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 17:25:53 -0500
> From: sa...@pobox.com
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi comments on the "It was sent back" statement
> On 12-01-16 05:11 PM, Zell, Chris wrote:
> > Edison was a greedy liar and cheat who was cruel to animals. Schrodinger 
> > was a bigamist. MLK and possibly Einstein were plagiarists.
> I've read Poincare's papers Einstein supposedly plagiarized.
> In a word ... he didn't. Poincare had a lot of the pieces but it was 
> Einstein who put them together. (And if that's plagiarism, then every 
> mathematician who ever wrote a paper is guilty of it, with the possible 
> exception of some Greek whose name we've all forgotten.)
> Can't comment on the rest of these, save to note that there are an awful 
> lot of "little men who want to tear down big men" running around writing 
> stuff. You can't always believe what you read when someone claims 
> so-and-so really wasn't so great after all.
> > Werner Von Braun was a Nazi and may have held rank in the SS. Tesla was a 
> > OCD-laden nutball.
> >
> > I'm not sure I'd buy a used car from any of them. OTOH, I still respect 
> > their achievements.
> >
> > If "Rashomon" Rossi gets it all together, I have my Home Depot credit card 
> > ready. Then, I can stop buying 40lb bags for my pellet stove there.
> >

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