The website has been down for some time now.
It keeps returning the message: Bandwidth Exceeded ... try again later.

It sounds like a pretty sophisticated theory that only a few can properly
assess.  Does it make any testable predictions?  Or does it provide any
insights into the CF/LENR results reported so far?

> multielectron catalysis theory A possible theory for rossi reactor
> The situation with the new energy source [1] developed by the Italian
> physicists mainly is
> similar  to  the  situation with HTSP  (high  temperature
> superconductors):  there  is  the  effect, but there are no phenomenon
> physical mechanism explanation and adequate theory.
> A.  Rossi’s  reactor  theory  suggested  is  based  on  the  developed
>  electron-quark  analogy
> method and multielectron theory [2, 3]. The method difference is
> availability of a color charge in
> electrons  analogous  to  the  color  charge  of  quarks  in  quantum
> chromodynamics  (QCD)

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