Mary, there are serious problems with Rossi's demonstrations that we are all 
aware of.  It is apparent to me that he has a very difficult problem trying to 
maintain stability of the power output and I have been doing some interesting 
simulation that tends to support this claim.  The October 6 test data shows a 
clear fingerprint of LENR heat production which I hope to explain soon.  All of 
the other models that I have seen thus far do not respond in a manner that 
comes even close to explaining the anomaly.  These models have been based upon 
energy storage and release from a large mass of material inside the smaller 
cube.  A better explanation for the curve can be obtained by assuming that a 
large peak of excess thermal energy is released at the end of the drive cycle 
due to an inherently unstable thermal run away process that is quenched just 
before it becomes unstoppable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Yugo <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 22, 2012 2:30 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Opponents should please go away and form your own group

On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:18 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

There is plenty of blame to go around.

There certainly is.  And most should go to investigators who don't provide 
clear and unequivocal, independently replicated and properly controlled and 
calibrated studies using the best state of the art methodology.  You've been 
asked again and again to provide a SINGLE credible paper which shows robust 
heat production for a long period without the introduction of Joule heating or 
fresh fuel, thus proving without a doubt a nuclear process.  I have yet to see 
such a paper.  You expect critics to believe that LENR is real because of large 
volumes of papers which are convoluted, often badly written and always 
needlessly complex.  That won't help LENR research.

A single properly conducted experiment with robust results and no question of 
deception would have convinced everyone about Rossi or Defkalion specifically 
and LENR in general long ago.   We're still waiting for it while you say it 
happened but you can't say who, what and where.  We're still waiting for it 
while you make excuses for obvious tangential responses and evasive posts by 
Rossi and Defkalion.  That is not what they and you should do to make the field 
credible.  You should attack them and not the critics.  The critics are the 
only ones who make sense.  A single good result in LENR could not possibly be 
suppressed.  In this internet age, there is no way it could happen.  Look at 
all the attention and acclaim given to Rossi and for what?

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