On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 11:55 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Mary, there are serious problems with Rossi's demonstrations that we are
> all aware of.  It is apparent to me that he has a very difficult problem
> trying to maintain stability of the power output and I have been doing some
> interesting simulation that tends to support this claim.  The October 6
> test data shows a clear fingerprint of LENR heat production which I hope to
> explain soon.  All of the other models that I have seen thus far do not
> respond in a manner that comes even close to explaining the anomaly.  These
> models have been based upon energy storage and release from a large mass of
> material inside the smaller cube.  A better explanation for the curve can
> be obtained by assuming that a large peak of excess thermal energy is
> released at the end of the drive cycle due to an inherently unstable
> thermal run away process that is quenched just before it becomes
> unstoppable.

If so, shouldn't Rossi be telling us that?  Do you think he told his
anonymous customer who supposedly bought **13** "power plants" consisting
of some 600+ individual modular units?  Do you believe there is such a
customer?  Is someone really that dense?   What would 13 such things
possibly be used for?

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