Chan, a mystery Ni-H replicator claims to be working on plans for a
10MW Metal Hydride Nickel Fusion unit. He claims to have patents and
will update people on the following web site:

It says the following currently:

"Chan Fusion Power

10 MW Fusion Power plant in steel shipping container under planning
and construction. This unit envisioned to supply a flow of water at
100 C using input water at ambient temperature. The reactor core will
essentially consist of an oil filled containment vessel electrically
maintained at 100 C with 10 stacked plates, each holding 100 10 KW
cartridges. The reactor contains water tight ribbed plate compartments
which act as a plate heat exchanger. The fusion reaction within the
cartridges is initiated by the temperature of the oil up to an oil
temperature of 100 C and there after by balance of RFG input to
cannisters and the oil heating units.

Price of the 10 MW unit is forecast to be $100.000. This Metal Hydride
Nickel Fusion unit is constructed in accordance with our patents
applied for.

All progress will be reported on this web site. I am too busy to waste
time on communications and certainly do not need publicity. This site
is simply an announcement of an alternative for those planning on
using low quality heat on a very large scale. "

I am hoping he starts to post some pictures, data, links to patents,
specs, etc...
- Brad

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