Robert Lynn <> wrote:

Rossi would have all the money he could ever want from any one of several
> thousand large multinationals or governments by next week if he did a
> single proper black box test similar to Jan-Jun 2011 demos . . .

Maybe. Maybe not. Many cold fusion researchers have done proper black box
tests that produced irrefutable results, albeit on a much smaller scale.
They should have gotten unlimited support from multinationals and
governments. Unfortunately, they got the frozen boot. They were
ridiculed, harassed, demoted to menial jobs, and so on.

Rossi is well aware of this history. He has had a difficult life himself.
He does not think the world is rational or that that justice, fair play,
and equal opportunity often prevail. I don't either. I am not a conspiracy
theorist, but I know history. I read the newspapers. I know that in real
life people who invent things which challenge gigantic ruthless industries
-- such as the oil companies and coal companies -- often come to bad ends.
They may not be shot. They may not be fired, or driven out of the country
the way Pons was. But they are seldom welcomed by governments and

I urged Rossi to do a test like the one you described. I told him it could
bring about support. However it is naïve to imagine it would instantly
solve these problems or make him a multimillionaire. I believe that Rossi
fears it would trigger a backlash from vested interests. He may be right
about that. It is a real risk. If I were him I would take that risk, but it
is his decision and I agree he has good reasons to be afraid.

- Jed

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