From: Mark Iverson

*       Enjoy the SuperBowl commercials!  They're not nearly as good as they
used to be...

But there are more of them, so aren't we the same satisfied consumers, as
ever? Hey, substituting quantity for quality - this is the Hallmark of
McCapitalism, no? Hold the pink slime :-)

Speaking of Super-hype, this may be a good time to introduce the so-called
the "superpartner" (sparticle) which is hypothetical. (Who says mainstream
physicists are not repressed drama queens? If it's not named after divinity
then it has to be an action hero, right?).

Supersymmetry predicts the existence of these "shadow" particles; and like
so many things that work on paper, this could have a tinge of reality - even
at so-called "low energy". (the strong force is NEVER low energy, even if
the reaction space has low net energy density, compared to the LHC, due to
low probability of quark alignment).

Of interest to Ni-H emerging theory is one superpartner called the "gluino"
which is related to the gluon in a shadowy kind of eightfold way - and could
be involved in proton mass depletion without transmutation. The idea being
that proton mass depletion fuels the gain which is experimentally seen in a
chain of related experiments: Thermacore, Mills, Piantelli, Focardi, Celani,
Rossi, DGT et al. - without much of a radiation signature. They coulda
called it the Buddino.

The really ironic thing is that Supersymmetry derives whatever modicum of
proof it enjoys from ultra-high energy beam experiments, yet a higher
acceleration gradient is arguably present from the strong force and no beam,
when two protons approach each other at femtometers geometry with quark
suppression of Coulomb charge. 

If you feel like getting really weird on SuperSunday (instead of guzzling
beers and watching a bunch of pampered overpaid jocks do mock battle)- then
try to wade through the references from the Wiki summary at:


Jones    ... with technical consultation from Milo Minderbinder, "Mess"
Officer and McCapitalist deluxe

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