The Efimov Effect

There are a number of NiH researchers who have not yet gotten close to the
performance of the Rossi reactor as far as power production is concerned.
There must be an important puzzle piece missing from their experiments and
designs which when included in the Rossi design gives the Rossi reactor its
giddy up.

Piantelli and Miley have gotten some excess heat but not what Rossi and DGT

I will now try to identify and describe that crucial design trick that
brings everything together into a workable system.

I think that the important missing element, this X-Factor that makes the
Rossi design so muscular is coherent dipole stimulation of entangled proton

This bit of quantum magic makes entangled protons coherent and when this
coherent reorganization of the proton cooper pairs happen then tunneling of
protons into the nickel nuclei of the lattice becomes a lot more probable.

To give this opinion some perspective and to aide in understanding, first
some background is helpful.

There exists a quantum mechanical(QM) effect which will make proton cooper
pairs coherent in a Bose-Einstein condensate of protons: The Efimov Effect.

Efimov physics deals with systems of many bodies like what we see in the
NiH reaction. This subfield is the latest thing in quantum mechanics with
an abundance of recent papers describing many new ideas and experiments
involving how three particles interact to form bonds that just won’t happen
in a two body system.

I believe that this field has applications in the cold fusion arena and I
will devote some additional effort in trying to figure it out. At this
early juncture, here is my current thinking behind why interest of the cold
fusion enthusiast is warranted in this field.

As background, tractable three-body problems are rare, which is why Vitaly
Efimov’s study in 1970  proposing that bound states could exist between
three interacting bosons was so intriguing. It took more than 30 years,
though, to observe Efimov states in an ultracold gas of cesium atoms, in
which interactions could be controlled with a magnetic field. Now, writing
in Physical Review Letters, theorists suggest similar states should also
exist between dipolar molecules.

In his prediction, Efimov assumed the interacting bosons were spherically
symmetric. But in their new work, Yujun Wang and colleagues at JILA, at the
University of Colorado, Boulder, use numerical methods to look for bound
states between molecules that have an electric dipole—an extended structure
that greatly complicates the calculations.

*This group shows that such dipolar Efimov states are in fact long-lived
and “universal,” meaning they don’t depend on the molecules’ detailed
structure. (The states only exist when the separation between the molecules
is large compared with the length of their dipole moment.)*

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*The Efimov effect for the interacting bosonic dipoles*

What happens to cooper proton pairs which are bosons, is that this pair
forgets that they should repel each other but when under the influence of a
powerful third particle … a superatom … that is far removed in proportion
to the size of the pair and appears to be at distant location relative to
the extent of the pair.**

Then consider that QM interaction between a Rydberg atom/matter is also based
on a long range dipole based synchronization process.

Having electric charge, cooper pairs of protons are reactive to electric
dipole interaction. Remember that a cooper pair(s) of protons could be one
proton or it could be 1 billion.

A condensate forms in a N+1 reaction where one pair joins with the growing
coherent condensate(N atom sized superatom)

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We find these Efimov effect conforming conditions inside the reaction
chamber of the NiH reactor where large numbers of proton cooper pairs form
inside micro-cavities so artfully crafted by Rossi and a coherent dipole
electrostatic field permeates the hydrogen envelope formed by regular
pulses of the kernels internal heater.

In a nutshell the bottom line then becomes through the Efimov effect, a
singular coherent Rydberg dipole field radiating from a condensate of
Rydberg atoms that permeates the entire reaction chamber that will
coordinate all the proton cooper pairs into a coherent Bose-Einstein
condensate of protons.

All the orbits of the Rydberg electrons become coherent over time and the
dipole field that is produced is powerful.

So at the end of the day, this Efimov effect provides a way that a NiH
system being full of uncoordinated Dimmers of protons undergo BCS-BEC
crossover, in which Dimmers under the influence of an singular
electrostatic field switch from forming weakly bound Cooper pairs with
randomize quantum properties into a coherent proton assemblage. By entering
a single collective quantum state a Bose-Einstein condensate of protons is
formed demonstrating long term stability proportional to the lifetimes of
the Rydberg matter which remotely control and coordinate system wide
coherence via dipole stimulation.

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