It looks to me me like our Navy guy is doing The Right Thing: getting a ground floor patent that covers /everything/ that hasn't been done yet in LENR. Necessarily he ties it to a theory; the one he's got, or that he thinks has the best chance. I wouldn't be surprised if he repeats the whole thing, but with a different theory, to cover more eventualities.

Ol' Bab, who was an engineer...

On 6/24/2012 5:28 PM, wrote:
In reply to  David Roberson's message of Sun, 24 Jun 2012 11:57:24 -0400 (EDT):

In private email with someone not from this list, someone suggested to me that
the WL theory was the beast candidate so far for an explanation of CF.
I would suggest rather that it is the theory most easily accepted by the
mainstream because it requires that they make the least adjustment to their
current way of thinking. God forbid that they should have been totally wrong
their entire lives. The dent to their egos would be just too much to bear. ;)

This is an interesting patent that I hope is important to LENR power production 
[snip] Dave

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