Just tell Defkalion to setup a US Company of which the Greek company will
be a subsidiary, call Stephen Chu and apply to the US Dept of Energy for a
$1.6B loan guarantee for independent green power production in California
(equivalent to 40, $40M license agreements).  Spend at least 5% of that
loan to lobby for more government money.  Defkalion's money woes will be
solved and the loan comes with a free Fisker Karma and an A123 fire
breathing battery pack(possibly LENR boosted) - I could not resist.

On Wednesday, July 18, 2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

> Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'jth...@hotmail.com');>> wrote:
> My conclusion is:  This company is getting ready to abscond.  Correct me
>> if I'm wrong and argue from facts, not opinion.  I am willing to be wrong
>> about this.
> No one outside the company can know whether you are right or wrong. None
> of us has any facts to go on. You are speculating. Guessing, in other
> words. It is perfectly okay to do that, but you should not confuse guessing
> with arguing from facts.
> I agree this makes them look bad. But appearances are not facts.
> There is nothing wrong with you reaching a conclusion based on guesswork
> and appearances. People often do that. They are often forced to do that,
> especially in business, warfare and love. You have to be careful and
> remember that you might be wrong. The oldest and best technique in warfare
> is to give a false impression and deceive the enemy into reaching a
> conclusion based on appearances rather than actual facts. See, for example,
> Sun Tzu, "The Art of War." That was written circa 256 BC. It is just as
> valid and useful today as it ever was.
> - Jed

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