From: "Jed Rothwell" <>
> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 12:31:53 AM

> I am having difficulty following the discussion from afar. Would
> someone please summarize in a few sentences what has happened with the
> Papp machine that brings it back into attention?

My understanding :

I believe that the original engines were made in the Rohner (Snr) shop .. and 
that Tom made the original controller (with electrical cross-feeds between 
pairs of cylinders.

Various people got hold of the original engines. 

Jimmy Sabori got one, raised and spent lots of money, demonstrated the original 
engine, but never made a new one.

Bob & Tom Rohner got another (they say John wasn't involved) and again 
demonstrated it but never made a new one. Tom recently died.

John Rhoner made an all-electronic controller (per his resume he has LOTS of 
controller experience) -- and this is the heart of the new 
"intelligentry/plasma engines[s]. In particular, it no longer needs the 
cylinder cross-coupling, so single cylinder (eg popper) versions are now 
possible, and it no longer needs radioactive elements in the piston/electrodes.

John apparently has patents (defended against Bob?) for the new system.

They have the Tesla public demos of the one-cylinder, the 
controller/coil/electrode kit, and videos of assembling the new "enineering 
trainer" engine which they have apparently supplied to their licensees. But NO 
video of it running. They say the first public run of ANY engine will be at the 
December Powergen expo.

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