On 2012-10-03 08:50, Alain Sepeda wrote:
after collaboration with Kresenn, he is working with LENR Cars CTO
(Antoine Guillemin) for a replication under Fleishmann Memorial open
replication project...

Interesting; do you know more information or are you in contact with Guillemin or Chauvin from LENR-Cars? As far as I know they should have obtained all the necessary materials to make such replication.

If it succeed in a replicable toy experiment, it can convince.
I'm jusr afraid that it failed like Spawar replication kit... working
but ignored.

We're talking, if correctly replicated, of a few dozen watts of excess heat significantly greater than the input energy (with a single wire).

I imagine that since Celani's constantan material shows an anomalous heat behavior even just when merely heated, that increasing the amount of active wires inside the reactor would make the effect even more noticeable. If this is confirmed and validated by reputable third parties, it cannot be ignored. It's too big.


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