Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> Time will tell. A lot of people are now working openly on NiH.

Yup. I think Rossi deserves a lot of the credit for that. Not all of it.

As far as I am concerned, Rossi has done no harm and plenty of good for
this field. He is a rascal at times but harmless. Our reputation in the
mass media is already so low he can't make it any worse.

He rubs people the wrong way.

He has a big mouth and he can be annoying but I do not think he has done
anything wrong. Even if he is faking it, which I do not believe, he would
mainly hurt himself, plus people such as Levi and E&K. He would have no
effect on the reputation of other researchers such as Fleischmann or

- Jed

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