Jed may think he's writing about economics, but he's actually writing
about morality and politics, because people pursue their economic
policies in their quest for morality.

For instance, Venezuela is falling apart.

Venezuela is falling apart.

Another experiment in socialism leads to where every other experiment
has led. That people continue to try this social experiment, is
evidence that people will follow their moral conscience despite all
the empirical evidence in the world against it. People desperately
need to discover morality, and not just any morality, but the only
morality possible which is universal and treats everyone equally. This
the key: morality must be universal, and the only moral principle
possible which treats everyone as equals, is the non-aggession
principle. All others break universality in some way, shape, or form,
and create extra-moral agents, like governments, which create the
moral rules which we are all then required to follow. When people
respect others, and do not threaten violence against them to achieve
desired social and political goals, then the resulting economic system
is capitalism.


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