Yeah, I suppose you could say that we're all aliens, except that Obama is 
an illegal Alien, now fraudulently serving as the President (I'm so proud).  
Of course there alot of so-called people in this country here illegally, and 
Obama is in good company.                                                   
                                   BO is an expert when it comes to 
appealing to many different groups all at the same time with one comment, like 
he says that being apart of the radical movement of the 60's in his DNA. I 
mean, when you look at where this man(?) had been before he weasled his way 
into this country, you just know he was a born loser, uh, I mean leader.     
         It doesn't take anyone with a single brain cell to know that it's 
just good old common sense to  "vote" for a legal citizen and/or human being 
to run the Country, instead of all the gullible peasants committing their 
life to the empowering of a two bit Dictator.  (Psssst...Romney is with the 
Romulans. Obama is a Klingon, much more thugly)                               
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like Aliens (interstellar types) favour Romney for President.           >></HTML>

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