To Alan sepeda and Vortex who may be interested:


For several years I was a close associate of Gene Mallove and for a while on
his board of  directors. I wrote a number of articles for Infinite Energy,,
on Joseph Newman, Paulo Correa and PAGD, and Arata. Gene pointed me to
Randell Mills and Blacklight Power, which I have closely followed for
decades. BLP is now scaling up a water-fuel energy cell which produces
electricity directly, which no LENR device has done. BLP's goal is a 1.5 kW
power module for domestic use, with an estimated installed cost of $100/kW.
BLP is privately financed, with representatives of major financial houses on
its board of directors. Details are available on the website, I have visited the Correa's home/lab and seen a
demonstration of the PAGD cell working as described in my article.


If any reader here wishes to correspond with me, I will be happy  to

Mike Carrell


From: [] On Behalf
Of Alain Sepeda
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 10:45 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:E Mallove: LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A Crisis
Within a Crisis ???


Reading the latest article of ruby carra and the science.or research on LENR

I've found that article of Eugene mallove
just the abstract.

no reference to it on internet beside that site, and
believe me if you dare, not even on

it is not of the greatest importance, but it might be interesting.

does anyone have a copy (maybe the name changed)


        LENR/"Cold Fusion" and Modern Physics: A Crisis Within a Crisis


Mallove,%20Eugene%20F.%20E.&charset=UTF-8&db_key=PHY>  Eugene F. E.


        AA(New Energy Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 2816, Concord, NH
03302-2816, USA)


        American Physical Society, March Meeting 2004, March 22-26, 2004,
Palais des Congres de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, MEETING ID: MAR04,
abstract #A15.006

Publication Date:



        APS <> 

Bibliographic Code:



The primary theorists in the field of Cold Fusion/LENR have generally
assumed that the excess heat phenomena is commensurate with nuclear ash
(such as helium), whether already identified or presumed to be present but
not yet found, and moreover that it can be explained by hydrided metal
lattice structures acting coherently. Though this was an excellent initial
hypothesis, the commensurate nuclear ash hypothesis has not been proved, and
appears to be approximately correct in only a few experiments. At the same
time, compelling evidence has also emerged for other microphysical sources
of energy that were unexpected by accepted physics. The exemplars have been
the work Dr. Randell Mills and his colleagues at BlackLight Power
Corporation and Dr. Paulo and Alexandra Correa in Canada.This has led to a
crisis within a crisis: Neither "cold fusion" nor "Modern Physics" will be
able to explain the full range of experimental data now available---not even
the data within "mainstream" cold fusion/LENR per se--- by insisting that
the fundamental paradigms of Modern Physics are without significant flaw.
The present crisis is of magnitude comparable to the Copernican Revolution.
Neither Modern Physics nor Cold Fusion/LENR will survive in their present
forms when this long delayed revolution has run its course. 

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