BTW, there is no need to ban me.  I will gladly unsubscribe and never 
resubscirbe again.

This will end when people stop destroying this forum with incessant off-topic 
posts.  It's not about what people in this group want, it's about civilized 
behavior and following the rules of this forum.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 6:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning 
recent trolling activity


  I've never added anyone to a killfile in my lilfe, but I'm doing it now.  I 
hope Bill Beatty will ban you at some point, as you appear to have no desire to 
get in tune with the wishes of the people on this list and would prefer instead 
to try to steer the threads towards your own purposes.  Until you are banned, 
as I hope you will be, blocking you will have to be adequate for now.

  All the best,

  On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 2:36 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

    As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by goat 
herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe from lies, yet 
feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the truth.  Every one went 
up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; but when Lomax defends his from 
the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  I wonder why people are afraid to 
criticize islam.  Could it be that muslims would not put up with it like 
Christians would turn the other cheek?

    I'm pretty sure that's it.  People tiptoe around islam while having a field 
day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with criticizing 
Christianity, unlike with islam.  

    What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you 
consider that trolling?

    Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  Have I 
not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed a child molester 
who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out of diapers still playing 
with dolls, and had intercourse with her when she was 9 years old.  The "great" 
prophet, for whom great wars are being fought", molested a 9 year old little 
girl.  It seems to me that those who follow such a man would need to have his 
head examined.  Yet he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL....


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Eric Walker 
      Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty 
concerning recent trolling activity

      On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck <> 

        (in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd, who simply 
feel the need to defend their religion against blatant trolling).


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