I've gone over the history, and Jojo is lying again. I'll be happy to apologize if I erred in my analysis. Jojo, below, says I "nandpicked" his posts. If I cherry-picked the posts, I certainly did not attept to do so.

But the cherry-picking claim is a cheap shot. If I cherry-picked, then Jojo could point to the others, for balance.

Here, I just summarized. I presented actual links before, that show that if Jojo isn't just lying, he doesn't realize what he himself did, so certain is he that others are just picking on him.

Let him cast the beam out of his own eye before he attempts to remove the splinter from his neighbor's.

At 06:31 PM 12/23/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

I never initiate insults. I never inititate personal attacks. NEVER have, NEVER ever.

You handpick my posts and build a fallacious history of the events here and lie about it.

You're a BOLDFACE liar, just like your great HOLEY prophet.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <a...@lomaxdesign.com>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>; <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2012 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

At 10:32 PM 12/22/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Then maybe, he can see that I was discussing with civility on a thread I started before Lomax, SVJ and others started the insults. Yes, I am the troll for responding appropriately to insults. Maybe, he'll notice that my responses are with insults that are calibrated to the level of nastiness thrown my way. Maybe. he'll notice which people really start the insults around here.

He can see it by looking at the history of each thread. He can see that Jojo initiated the uncivil exchanges, converting civil disagreement into personal attacks. I've documented this in the past, and if Mr. Beatty wants some support in finding the documentation, if he actually needs that -- he may not --, I'll be happy to provide whatever he asks for, either on or off-list.

He'll be able to tell that, in the most recent exchange, the discussion had gone cold, with Jojo having made the last comment, and other people just leaving it at that. He can then see that Jojo re-initiated it.

I am fighting to keep a little sanity in Vortex-L and keep people like you from dragging down this fine fine forum with your incessant trolling of off-topic posts. We have lost fine fine great men with great ideas because of incessant off-topic posts and noise and you still maintain that it is your right to do so. May I remind you that this problem preceeded my joining Vortex-L, so I am not the problem. I am one fighting to highlight this problem and people like Lomax and SVJ and others just can't handle the fact that I am trying to fix this forum that has become dysfunctional.

So, If Bill does what you want, I wouldn't care too much. After all, I am not really interested in joining a mob group.

The list owner knows that some level of off-topic posting is useful socially.

If it were true, however, that I were using this group for "Muslim propaganda," to argue about Islam, that would be a problem, but Jojo introduced the whole issue of Islam. It appears to have been done to troll for my response. There was no relevance to ongoing discussions, which weren't about Islam. This was entirely introduced here by Jojo. The same is likely true about Jojo's attacks on President Obama. I first became involved in discussion with Jojo, as I recall, over his "birther" claims.

I hadn't been familiar with the claims, generally trusting that if Obama really were not born in Hawaii, the truth would out -- and there might then be a constitutional problem, the resolution of which would be tough, and probably the Supreme Court would punt, i.e., consider that it would be an issue for Congress to resolve. But that's moot here.

Jojo attacked me precisely because I researched his claims, and found them *preposterous*. And I reported that here.

It's quite like the Moon God claims. I.e., if you search, you can find "evidence" for them. But we don't decide issues one-sidedly, only fanatics do that. We look at the balance of evidence.

This is actually relevant to common Vortex discussions. For example, we can find evidence that Rossi is a fraud. We can find evidence that he's for real.

What's the balance? Someone who is a fanatic only looks at one side. To actually come to sane conclusions -- or to recognize that no clear conclusion is yet possible -- one must consider *all the evidence.*

Someone like Jojo, arguing about Vortex topics, will cloud the issues, taking only one side. That happens all the time, we accept it here, *when it's on topic.* We also allow people to express unpopular opinions about other topics here. It is only when this totally dominates participation that it starts to be a problem.

I'll repeat my position: the list owner should warn anyone the list owner sees as having a problem with participation here, giving guidance on what is acceptable and what is not, and if the person neglects the warning, they should be banned. That's very simple, and the list owner is completely free to, for example, warn me or Steve or anyone. I'm not going to leave because of such a warning, if there is one. I'd respect it, to the degree possible.

I survived on Wikipedia as long as I did because, until I concluded that due process was a waste of time, there, and because Wikipedia has a stated mission that causes a broader common law than "owner rules" to apply, I followed community process and heeded administrative warnings. -- and what ultimately happened was that I was pursued in spite of this, that bans were re-interpreted to include what they clearly had not originally been intended to include. The faction I'd confronted -- successfully! -- was *going to retaliate* no matter what I did, and enough members of ArbComm, from leaks from their private mailing list on Wikipediareview.com, were complicit that compliance became useless. My purpose on Wikipedia was to experiment with community process, and that mission had been accomplished, completed when I also checked out community response to banned editors.

(Previously, I'd tested alternative responses, more likely to result in the consensus that is essential to wiki theory, as a WikiMedia Foundation sysop, on Wikiversity. Basically, we know what to do, but mostly we won't do it. Too much trouble.)

(Participation in the vortex list was important to me at one time, it's less important now, because I' m active on the CMNS list, the private list for cold fusion researchers. But I still read this list and respond on occasion, when I have time. When I have time, I might respond a lot. At other times, I'm too busy and don't necessarily respond.)

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