Mark, has it occured to you or to Peter or to others that it is precisely these 
kinds of biased hurtful insults that cause me to lash out at you, Peter and 

I am capable of discussing rationally with civility as many in this list can 
attest.  But I will not suffer insults like this.  Please consider this as my 
final warning.

If you have investigated this properly, you will conclude that I was discussing 
calmly and politely with some members here before Lomax, SVJ and others started 
their round of insults.  Please be objective before you start mouthing off.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark Gibbs 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:50 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

  Pig breeding, Birthers, attacks on Islam, attacks on each other ... what is 
the matter with you people? 

  Jojo throws out blatant nonsense that isn't intended to achieve anything 
constructive and that only the most generous would treat as reasonable 
discussion and everyone rises to the bait. Abd, to his credit, (mostly) 
responds to Jojo politely, Jojo responds with more outrageous assertions and 
endless ad hominem attacks, and the circle of ridiculousness repeats. Now Peter 
has been sucked in ... 

  It's one thing to have an off-topic discussion but quite another when a list 
is hijacked by little else besides off-topic posts. 

  Really, the Vortex list-Mom needs to manage this list a whole lot better if 
it's to have any relevance to its original goal ... this is why lists die.


  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

    Peter, I consider this an insult.  To the best of my recollection this is 
your 4th insult to me.  In all that time, I have not retaliated.

    Please refrain from this behavior; unless you want me to retaliate.

    And please, do not use you response to me as an excuse to promote your site 
again.  It's bad taste.  One does not go to other people's site to promote and 
recruit members.  There is no insult intended with this.  But if you feel that 
this is an attack, I will now apologize in advance.


    PS.  Peter seems to be offended that I used a real life example to 
illustrate the fallacies of Lomax.  I don't believe I have written anything 
particularly nasty with my real life example.

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Peter Gluck 
      Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:13 PM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

      Dear Jojo, 

      Even in my weirdest dreams I have not imagined
      that one day I will read about the sexual reproductive life of Sus scrofa 
domestica on Vortex a site dedicated to new energy.
      Pigs have not much to do with Vortex see the 
      first  proverb here:

      I thought you are a spammer prozelytizing, attacking your re-elected 
President, trying to demonstrate that Darwin was a poor stupid individual, you 
don't care for religious freedom and for respect for the other 11,499 religions 
except yours and so on but all these are only 
      illusions and errors.
      Practice shows you are like Jack London's inevitable white 
man:unstoppable  and it is useless to ban you or to boycott you, you are the 
fatum of Vortex. I have serious doubts Vortex will survive intellectually and 
will not be converted in an anything goes Forum. Be happy, I am accepting your 
presence and all I wish is that some people will not forget LENR completely.
      It would e reasonable if you do not comment to this message.


      On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

        Just to correct Lomax's lies from actual experience.

        I raise sows in my farm.  When the piglets grow up to become gilts 
(teenage female pigs that are virgins are called gilts.), they exhibit the 
equivalent of what we would call menstrual cycle.  They show their first 
estrus.  If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, the pregnancy will normally 
not take hold and the gilts will exhibit another estrus on their next cycle 
about 21 days later.  The gilts are not sexually mature despite the obvious 
occurence of the estrus cycle.  On occasions where a pregnancy takes hold, you 
will end up with radically fewer piglets born and smaller piglets born.  A 
normal sow pregnancy is about 10-12 piglets and about 1-2 kgs of piglet weight. 
 If you mate a gilt on her first estrus, on average you will get less than 3 
piglets with about 1/3 lbs. piglets (notice 1-2 kg is 2-5 lbs for a normal 
pregnancy.  A first cycle pregnancy is 1/3 lbs piglet.)  Very very small 
piglets that will not normally survive to weaning age.  What I am saying is 
documented by pig breeders everywhere so no one who is honest will claim I am 
lying about this.  In fact, if you read pig breeding books, they would 
recommend that you wait until the second estrus to mate that gilt.  This my 
friends are facts.

        In fact, in fact, in fact.  The older the gilt is when you first mate 
her, the more and bigger your piglets.  This is easy to understand.  An older 
gilt's body is more mature and will support more piglets compared to a young 
gilt on her first cycle.

        The same is true with human girls.  Everyone agrees that exhibiting 
menstrual cycle at 9 years of age is unusually early for a little girl. Normal 
menstrual age is about  11-12, most even don't cycle until they are 14.  Ask 
any doctor.  Now here comes Lomax and argues that a 9 year old little girl is 
sexually mature because she has had her first cycle. Apparently, she was not 
because we have no documented pregnancy of A'isha when she was 9.  Her body was 
simply not mature enough to carry a full term baby to delivery, much like a 
young gilt.  My friends, despite what Lomax would like you to believe, nature 
and experience tells us an early menstruating girl of 9 is clearly not sexually 

        BTW, Lomax claims that a little girl's mammary glands would develop if 
she has a baby.   Apparently, Lomax has not seen mammary glands of first cycle 
gilts who became pregnant.  They are not developed despite having piglets. It 
contains little milk.  Piglets of young gilts need to have supplemental milk.   
This my friends is the truth of the normal order of things.  But Lomax, twist 
it, to justify the actions of his retrograde HOLEY prophet. (Lomax still has 
not caught on why I spell Holy - HOLEY. Contrary to what Lomax would like to 
believe, I do know how to spell Holy.  LOL ...)


        ----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" 
        To: <>; <>
        Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 1:02 PM
        Subject: Re: [Vo]:[OT] Moon God, Dozens of wives, and marriageable age

          At 10:01 PM 12/27/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

            What are you suggesting lomax?  That age is uncertain whether she 
was 9 or 10.  Either way, what muhammed practiced was abhorrent and retrograde.

          No, *Jojo* is abhorrent and retrograde. That's because he's now. What 
Muhammad did wasn't abhorrent, because nobody hated it. Then. It wasn't 
retrograde, either, it was not odd or strange or unusual.

            If A'isha has had her first menstrual cycle, does that mean she is 
a sexually mature woman.

          Yes. That's what the word means. It does not mean that no further 
maturation can occur. It means that she is capable of becoming a mother.

            Lomax seems to believe this and asking vorticians to swallow this.

          No, I don't care what Vorticians think, but I'm not seeing any 
support, here, for Jojo's viciousness.

            OK, show of hands, which of us with daughters 9 or 10 years old, 
that have had their first mentrual cycle that we would consider to be sexually 

          Hand up. That is, if I knew that my daugher had her first period, I'd 
know that she was sexually mature. That has consequences.

            For pete's sake.  These little girls do not have fully developed 
mammary glands yet, and Lomax thinks they are sexually mature. This is the 
corruption of islam for all to see.

          The glands will work if she gets pregnant. Jojo is making silly 
arguments. The issue is not today's girls, and the conditions girls face today. 
The issue is Jojo's claim that was was done *then* was "abhorrent and 
retrograde" *then*.

          And we don't now the age. Some sources conclude that Ayesha was much 

            OK, show of hands, which of the following sources does one consider 
more reliable.

          Reliable for what?

            Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari vs. wikipedia and Internet blogs.

          For hadith, Muslim and Bukhari. For general information on Islam, 
hands down, Wikipedia. Muslim and Bukhari are not manuals of Islam. They are 
collections of stories, which require interpretation. They are, in Wikipedia 
terms, primary sources. Use with care.

             One of us cited Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari indicating a 
testimony from A'isha herself that intercourse occured when she was 9 or 

          No. Sahih Muslim has an account attributed to Ayesha that she was 
taken to the Prophet's house when she was nine. Not that they had intercourse. 
However, that can reasonably be inferred.

            Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3311:
            'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle 
(may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was 
taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; 
and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

          There is no isnad (which is typical for my edition of Sahih Muslim). 
Muslim narrates a series of traditions on Ayesha, which are unattributed. He 
did not hear this from Ayesha!

             Lomax cited Internet Blogs to say that A'isha was a different age.

          I didn't say she was a different age. One page gave arguments she 
was. I was citing this to show the range of opinion among Muslims. It wasn't a 

              Which of us is more credible with better evidence?  Lomax seems 
to think that his evidence is stronger because he writes lengthy tiresome 
essays to confuse the issue.  If you are buying it, you have the right to be 
stupid enough to be deceive by lies.

          What Jojo is effectively lying about would be that I claimed Ayesha 
was *not* nine. I pointed to evidence that she was, and evidence that she 
wasn't. I wrote that I don't know how old she was, but that she was "sexually 
mature," regardless. Jojo wants to quibble on that, but a sexually mature woman 
is not "barely out of diapers," which he's said over and over, unless there is 
some problem!

          I write lengthy essays because I actually do research and report it, 
and I discuss the issues. Jojo hates that. He just wants to toss his mud and be 
done with it. Someone who actually checks his claims? Horrors!

            OK, show of hands, which of us would follow our neighbors to commit 
an abhorrent act.

          *What abhorrent act?* Jojo has never been specific. And nobody here 
is proposing that girls be married at nine. What I've been saying, though, is 
that this *was not an abhorrent act* in the culture, the time and place where 
it occurred. Nobody cared about her age, they care about her *maturity*. And 
Islamic law, in some places, is still the same. Maturity, by the way, one of 
the sources I cited noted, includes her reasoning and sound judgment. But 
that's dicta, in a way, because only one aspect of marriageability is being 
considered here.

            Heck, if all our neighbors practiced beastiality, does that make 
our practice of it OK?

          Straw man argument. And nobody has claimed that a practice is "OK". 
Rather, if a practice is universally accepted in a time, we cannot condemn 
those who practiced it, it was their culture. The practice itself could be 
awful, but obviously was not from theirs. If we are going to judge individuals 
for doing what was common, we might become interested in *how* they did that 
common practice. Were they abusive? Ayesha shows *no sign of being an abused 
girl* She lived to be ninety years old, she was very vocal, we have a lot of 
material from her. None of it resembles what women abused as children are like. 
And I've known many such women.

          What Jojo has just done is to equate a sexual relationship between a 
man and a woman, consensual, open, respected by the entire society, considered 
unremarkable in the culture, and not even considered a problem by his 
*enemies*, later, until very modern times, with bestiality.

            Lomax and a few others seems to think that because all the tribes 
surrounding muhammed practice child molestation of 9 year old little girls, 
that muhammed's practice of it was OK.

          Of course molestation is not okay. Neither is genital mutilation. Nor 
bestiality, but if Jojo really wants to fantasize about bestiality, well, it's 
a free country. Just don't do it, Jojo, it's generally illegal.

             If you are buying it, you have the right to be stupid enough to be 
deceive by lies.

            'Nuff said.  I can never convince a retrograde moon god worshipper 
about his abhorrent acts.

          Jojo doesn't seem to realize that he would never convince *anyone* 
about *anything* the way that he "evangelizes." It flat doesn't work. That's 
what's is so funny about that Moon God cartoon. It's an amazing fantasy. The 
Christian is somehow visiting a mosque with his daughter, and says to her that 
the people praying are praying to their Moon God.

          Poor girl, father like that. Now *there* is child abuse!

          A man praying overhears him and pretty much threatens to kill him. 
But he patienty explains that he's been decieved. The Allah that he thougth was 
the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all between, the Merciful, the 
Eternal Truth, is *actually* a Moon God.

          The fantasty here is that this angry Muslim didn't just kill him! 
People who start out like that man in the mosque aren't thoughtful. They won't 
listen to knowledgeable Muslims. I've stood up to these people, and it was 
touch and go! This is what is really funny: the man turns into a determined 
martyr, he'll go and tell his people the "truth" about the Moon God. If his 
people are like he was, they would indeed kill him, and the father knows that. 
He thinks it's a good thing. The guy will become a martyr.

          For a Moon God myth. Made up. I don't care if the Moon God *were* 
called Allah, God, Supreme Being, whatever, I don't worship a Moon God, and 
neither does any Muslim.

          The message? Well, the guy is out to sell comic books. The probable 
message is "We are better than them. They are stupid, ignorant, and violent."

          But there is another message: All you have to do to carry the Gospel 
to Muslims is tell them that they are worshipping a Moon God. They will fall 
over and become lambs. Surely they are eager for thie Valuable Information.

          Looks like Jojo is trying that one here. Hey, Jojo, has this *ever* 
worked? The Moon God trope is pretty new. I've seen the Pedophile Prophet one 
for years. Never saw it work. The only thing that I've seen drive Muslims away 
from Islam has been other Muslims. Some can be really, really awful.

          But it doesn't work to attack Muslims, even bad ones. What might work 
is to *actually behave like a Christian.* Be friendly, supportive, kind. Help 
people. Take some advice from the Bible, have a soft voice and loud ears.

          It might take some practice.

      Dr. Peter Gluck 
      Cluj, Romania

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