Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:

> Nevertheless, I personally prefer to commend him for honestly noting the
> importance of the Miles experiment. He did not attempt to impeach Miles or
> his methods, and he honestly stated why he thought that Miles would not be
> confirmed.

Oh come now. We are talking about John Huizenga here. Don't be a sap. Don't
be a goody-two-shoes. Huizenga was a hatchet man appointed by the DoE to
crush this field. He bragged about that in his book!

The man knew perfectly well that Miles and others had detected helium. I
saw Miles tell him that at ICCF4. Huizenga lied though his teeth,
repeatedly, about this and about every other aspect of cold fusion.

He knew about Miles heat results even before the ERAB report, and he
deliberately said nothing. He covered up, distorted, lied and did whatever
else it took to win.

I do not mean that Huizenga secretly believed Miles. Of course he did
not! He, along with Robert Park and others said that the results are
mistakes and that all cold fusion researchers are liars, frauds and
criminals. I am sure they believe that, with all their hearts. And all
their pocketbooks.

His purpose was to preserve funding for high energy physics, and to destroy
the reputations and careers of anyone who got in his way. People like him
are a dime a dozen in billion-dollar budget academia. They run the plasma
fusion program, and they are responsible for the many Hubble telescope
fiascos. (See the book "Hubble Wars.") This is about money and power.

- Jed

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