The earlier posting on "muslim" schools is confused.

Some "Muslim" schools have a curriculum that is based solely on the Qur'an. 
This kind of school would only attract non-Muslim students interested in the 
Qur'an, or in the culture of Islam.

Some "Muslim" schools have a standard secular curriculum, and are attended 
mostly by Muslims, thus confusing some into calling them "Muslim" schools.

Some "Muslim" schools are merely called such because they operate in a Muslim 
country, like Indonesia. This is like calling US public schools "Christian" 
because they operate in a predominantly Christian country.

To suggest that President Obama must be a Muslim because he went to a "Muslim" 
school in Indonesia is a statement that at best is meaningless.

On Dec 31, 2012, at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer wrote:

> Indeed.   There is a Catholic school in Birmingham, UK, where the majority of 
> pupils are Muslim
> Nigel
> On 31/12/2012 04:40, Jojo Jaro wrote:
>> Yes, "Christian" catholic schools are more tolerant of other faiths, but not 
>> muslims.  You can not go to a muslim school like the one Obama went to 
>> unless you are a muslim.
>> Before Lomax spins this again; may I simply ask readers to research this on 
>> their own to see which of us both is lying.
>> Jojo

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