Where is the preprint of the paper so that we can take a look?

2013/2/6 <fznidar...@aol.com>

> I set the velocity of sound in the nucleus = the velocity of light in the
> electronic structure and got the radii of the atoms, the energy and
> frequency of the photon, and the velocity of the atomic electrons.
> No cold fusion or anti-gravity was included.  I would understand if he
> did not agree with the premise, however, how could he not get the thrust
> of the paper?  They did send me a call for papers, why?
> I regret that I have not been able to understand this paper.  What I
> find here are equations from various areas of physics -- electrostatics,
> quantum mechanics, etc -- together with a a few general remarks about
> those equations.  So, for example, it is not clear to me what is the
> central result in this paper.  Is there, for example, being claimed a
> new physical theory?  or some new predictions extracted from the old
> theory?  My sense is that it is probably neither of these -- but that,
> rather, the claim is that these considerations lead to a better or
> deeper understanding of these equations.
> But I am afraid that I, having read this paper, simply do not have
> this sense.  Indeed, I cannot honestly say that I have been able to
> get a good sense of what the is the thrust of the paper.  For this
> reason, I do not feel that this paper is suitable for publication in
> the Foundations of Physics.
> -

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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