On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 5:32 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Veeder
> http://newenergytimes.com/v2/sr/WL/WLTheory.shtml
> Harry - let's count the number of miracles required for this to happen:
> quote
> Allan Widom and Lewis Larsen propose that, in condensed matter,
> local breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation occurs in
> homogeneous, many-body, collectively oscillating patches of protons,
> deuterons, or tritons found on surfaces of fully loaded metallic
> hydrides; Born-Oppenheimer breakdown enables a degree of
> electromagnetic coupling of surface proton/deuteron/triton
> oscillations with those of nearby surface plasmon polariton (SPP)
> electrons.
> Miracle 1 - SPPs couple with photons of light to become activated. There is
> little or no light in electrolysis LENR experiments - but some light exists
> in plasma glow or Mills reactions. If W-L want to cover electrolysis, then
> they should demonstrate the reality of light photons, which are absent.
> Blackbody radiation is not sufficient.
> "Such coupling between collective oscillations creates local
> nuclear-strength electric fields in the vicinity of the patches."
> Miracle 2 - "Nuclear strength" is MeV. There is no evidence of MeV fields or
> even keV fields. These would be easy to document if they were present.
> Nuclear-strength electric fields produce x-ray radiation which is largely
> absent.
> "SPP electrons bathed in such high fields increase their effective
> mass, thus becoming heavy electrons."
> Miracle 3 -Heavy electrons can apparently form near absolute zero, and then
> rarely - but there is no evidence of them forming at all at elevated
> temperature.
> "Widom and Larsen propose that heavy SPP electrons can react directly with
> protons, deuterons, or tritons located in surface patches through an inverse
> beta decay process that results in simultaneous collective production of
> neutrons
> Miracle 4 - There is no known EC reaction with hydrogen - that is an absurd
> invention which is completely without precedent.
> "Widom and Larsen propose two, or three neutrons, respectively, and a
> neutrino... Collectively produced neutrons are created ultra-cold;
> Miracle 5 - neutrinos are rarely captured in matter. This is even more
> outrageous than miracle 4.
> "Widom and Larsen propose that such neutrons they have ultra-low momentum
> and extremely large quantum mechanical wavelengths and absorption
> cross-sections compared to "typical" neutrons at thermal energies."
> Miracle 6 - There is no evidence of this kind of neutron in all of physics -
> and ultracold neutrons, which are well-known, are not similar to the W-L
> concoction; but they should be if this proposal were to be taken seriously.
> Finally, Widom and Larsen propose that heavy SPP patch electrons are
> uniquely able to immediately convert almost any locally produced or incident
> gamma radiation directly into infrared heat energy, thus
> providing a form of built-in gamma shielding for LENR nuclear reactions.
> Miracle 7++++ - This is completely beyond belief. There is no evidence of
> gammas being converted to infrared in all of physics.
> Many observers who have followed LENR from the beginning are rightfully left
> in a state of what can only be called "disgust" at the shameless hucksterism
> (and attempted alteration) of established physics on display here.
> Heck ... one or two miracles should be enough for any theory, no?

According to Robin reduced-mass neutrons can form spontaneously, but
rarely, when an electron
is captured by a nucleus.Would it be possible to exchange the seven
miracles for one miracle of a reduced-mass neutron
from a free electron and free proton/deuteron?


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