Joshua Cude wrote:

> That's cold fusion's problem: the quality of the evidence is abysmal --
> not better than the evidence for bigfoot, alien visits, dowsing,
> homeopathy. . .
Incorrect. The quality of evidence is excellent. See:

As Ed pointed out, Cude has not found any error in any paper, and he has
not pointed out errors here. Merely asserting that there are errors does
not make it true.

In 1991, Heinz Gerischer wrote: "there are now undoubtedly overwhelming
that nuclear processes take place in the metal alloys." He was the Director
of the Max Planck
Institute for Physical Chemistry in Berlin, and one of the best
electrochemists of the 20th century. He examined the experiments carefully
and wrote detailed technical critiques of them.

So, who are we going to believe here? Cude who offers no evidence? Or
Gerisher and several hundred other world class experts?

Skeptics have never looked carefully or published papers showing errors in
cold fusion. Morrison tried, but his paper was a farce. This is the best
that any skeptic has managed to publish in 25 years. It is here:

- Jed

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