You haven't a clue either...

When it comes to LENR, there is overwhelming evidence, and most of the
people on this forum who 'appear' as TBs, have read the literature, so to
call them TBs is in error; they are basing their decision on having read the
evidence themselves.  To someone who hasn't read it, or only skimmed it, I'm
sure we look like TBs.  Like Dr. Rob Duncan said at the end of the
60-Minutes story on CF, "Read the publications, talk to the [CF] scientists,
visit their labs... DON'T LET OTHERS DO YOUR THINKING FOR YOU."  Many here
have... have you?

When it comes to Rossi, I see plenty of rational criticism and concern as
well in most regular contributors on this forum; I think we all have some
level of concern and are not 100% convinced.  That is not the definition of
a TB.  If Rossi was the lone claimant of excess heat and other anomalous
observations, then perhaps TB would be appropriate.  But that is not that

So we can either sit here and bad-mouth Rossi, and think of all manner of
ways that it could be a scam (which serves no useful purpose other than
self-gratification), OR, we can assume he's onto something, which due to
much evidence outside of Rossi is reasonable, and try to help progress by
discussing reasonable concerns and possible mechanisms. There are some
experimentalists on the forum and perhaps it'll help their efforts; which is
the more honorable use of our time?  It should be obvious...

At least this forum has a level of respect for the individual and those who
might be onto some discovery that could benefit all, and the planet.  Cude
has no respect for the people on this forum, and probably in general... his
arrogance is so blatant, even you should be able to see it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vorl Bek [mailto:vorl....@antichef.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:23 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Over 40 messages posted by Joshua Cude posted on June 4

On Tue, 4 Jun 2013 07:35:47 -0500
"OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson" <orionwo...@charter.net>

> Mr. Beaty,
> When I opened up my mail box this morning I was flooded with over 40 
> posted messages from Joshua Cude. And it's only 7:10 AM in the 
> morning. I know of no one within the Vort Collective besides Cude that 
> has displayed this amount of excessive and obsessive posting behavior. 
> How many more Cude posts can we expect, today alone?

Cude is one sane person in a nest of True Believers. He has every right to
point out the nonsense the TBs are spouting.

Others on this list post far more often than Cude, but you have nothing to
say about them; it seems to me you just want to shut Cude up because you do
not like what he says.

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