Quantum Mechanics allows for things to happen that are contrary to every
viewpoint of reality and common sense.

What happens inside an NI/H reactor is not of this universe. It is
understandable that people living in this universe to rejects the LENR

Even outstanding true believer scientists cannot accept the violations of
physical laws and common sense that have guided them over the decades;
explicitly mentioned violation of conservation of momentum/energy since
modern physics considers that impossible in no uncertain terms.

Lenr is a catastrophic change in world view that is similar but far more
extreme to what the theory of General relativity has brought to the
scientific mindset.

Since the 19th century, philosophers have argued about what reasons should
persuade scientists to accept a theory.

The rule that most agree with is often summarized by saying: a theory
should make testable predictions.

‘‘Falsifiability’’ rather than ‘‘truth’’ thus provides a criterion for
distinguishing science from pseudoscience.

The falsifiability criterion proved to be unsatisfactory because it
stigmatized as pseudoscience several theories that are generally regarded
as scientific, while labeling as science some theories generally regarded
as unscientific.

Physicists judged the new theory not just on its own merits but also on the
basis of their own like or dislike of radical change in general.

Why would a particular physicist tend to accept or reject an idea because
it is revolutionary? We might find an answer to this question in Frank
Sulloway’s study of openness to scientific innovation. Based on analysis of
308 scientists whose positions on relativity before 1930 are known,
Sulloway concluded that age is a strong predictor of tendency to accept
Einstein’s theories, while social attitudes and birth order are moderately
good predictors: young, more liberal scientists who were the second or
later child in their family were statistically more likely to support

LENR is at extreme disadvantage over other scientific theories in that the
experiments that show the character of LENR are not even accepted. Such
experiments are just not considered real or so unbelievable that they must
be the stuff of magic.

There are many, but the experiment that most exemplifies this is the one
by  A.V. Simakin, G.A. Shafeev

See references:


also see


How can a scientist look at these experiments and not understand that
something is going on that they do not understand.

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