
for the mainstream deniers who parrot the few leaders MIT/Caltech/Harwell,
it is evident that it is paranormal claim..
So skeptic society member like Essen are usefull

It is right that best would be to send experts in energy... like Elforsk...

all that shows that fullfilling any demand of the deniers is hopeless...

the only solution for me is  to FORCE THEM to swallow the crow, but showing
to the public (who is honestly thomasian, ie: accept what they can touch)
that it work...
add to that that it make someone rich ...

and the hypercritics who are simply ambitious will save their career
accepting the facts...

the others will develop conspiracy society to save their theory from

2013/7/17 Akira Shirakawa <shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com>

> On 2013-07-17 03:50, blaze spinnaker wrote:
>  They should be sending in engineers from companies which specialize in
>> calorimetry and power measurement.
> Cynical skeptics have often complained that a magician or some sort of
> fraud expert should have been present during public LENR demos to check for
> possible tricks that regular scientists couldn't think of. Their wish has
> been fulfilled.
> Cheers,
> S.A.

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