From: Peter


> No problems with Krivit, still an excellent, fast

> and methodic journalist; just he does not like

> the existing reality and builds alternative ones.


My issue with Krivit has not so much to do with his reporting skills as a
journalist, but what I perceive to be an apparent inability on his part to
distinguish between what is expected from a journalist versus that of an
editorialist. I presume Krivit still claims to be a journalist. To me,
however, he gives me the impression that he doesn't know the difference
between these two distinct and perfectly legitimate functions. IMO Krivit
ceased to be a journalist a long time ago when he began to constantly
interject his personal opinion & conclusions into how he personally
perceives the state of the CF/LENR community to be. He has concluded who are
the good guys are and who the bad guys are. He seems to report those
personal conclusions as if it IS the news. It is not. It is just his
personal opinion. He spends too much time editorializing and opining the
personal impressions he has gathered. I think he shoots himself in the foot
doing that. Certainly one can attempt be both a journalist and an
editorialist. However IMHO one needs to acquire the wisdom to know the
difference between when one is reporting versus opining. IMHO, he had not
yet acquired the wisdom.


> I am curious to see [Krivit's] reaction if/when LENR+ goes commercial.


I would speculate that Krivit may end up claiming that he believed it all
along, and will self-congratulate himself for helping to birth the new
technology. Of course, he will continue to claim that "CF" is bogus
technology while simultaneously claiming all along that it's a "nuclear


It's basically labels. Big deal.



Steven Vincent Johnson

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