Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> We had the fortune to be in direct Skype chat contact with Mats Lewin
> during the experiment and it was definitely live, we were able to ask Mats
> to pose questions . . .

I heard about that after it happened. The MFMP people have a good

I was busy with sessions and other things while this was happening. Later
in the day the rebroadcast did not work, so I missed most of the Defkalion
test. I look forward to seeing it next week.

I think that a demonstration of this nature is valuable. I am pleased they
did it. But it is no substitute for the kind of test Levi et al. did of
Rossi's device. I mean Levi et al. used their own instruments; they went
back three times and improved the technique each time; they spent several
days; they used a video camera to be certain there was no interference.
That is much better proof than Defkalion can offer with a single, 8-hour
video test.

We can have both. We can have video demonstrations and also third-party
tests. Video demonstrations serve some useful purposes that Levi cannot
serve. Eventually we must have completely independent replications. Rossi
has apparently met that test, having his devices manufactured in the U.S.

- Jed

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