DGT stole a page from Rossi's book on the Ni-H scientific side, now they're
stealing a page from his book on how to conduct business and promise
undisclosed future promises of independent university testing.

I think they were working with Rossi and decided for themselves that the
guy was too mercurial and if a clown like him could find the secret, so
could they.  Like someone sidling up to the Wright Brothers like Selfridge
(the first person to die in a Wright Brothers accident) and steal the IP.
That same approach was tried by no less an aeronautical luminary than
Langley when he finally realized how far behind he was in his research.


On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:00 PM, H Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> From MFMP's facebook page.
> Harry
> -----------
> We are very sorry for the hiatus in our communications - we have been
> working in...credibly intensely to move this field forward on several
> fronts - all we can say is that we think ICCF-18 was a watershed for this
> emerging science with excellent new discoveries and significant new
> evidence of excess heat from Takahashi and Defkalion (DGT) as well as
> strong new science related to LENR revealed by Carpintieri (piezo/cold
> fission) and Vysotski (creation of collimated laser light from metal
> induced by cavitation shockwaves).
> It was also a triumph for the Live Open Science approach that the MFMP is
> pioneering with the help of its followers. So many attendees offered
> equipment, IP and technology to our effort, frankly it will take us weeks
> to come to terms with. A revolution is coming and you are at the head of
> the field.
> We must reserve special congratulations to DGT for their Live Open
> Scientific demonstration which was engaging and inspiring - would would
> like to see them and others taking this approach more frequently in the
> future.
> We have been told by a trusted source, whom we can not disclose, that
> there will be an independent report of DGT Hyperion technology published at
> some point. It is understood that some respected university professors have
> been involved. We certainly hope this is true and that we can have some
> detailed, rigorous analysis to support the promising live demonstrations of
> recent days.
> By: Martin Fleischmann Memorial 
> Project<https://www.facebook.com/MartinFleischmannMemorialProject?ref=stream>

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