i tried to explain this very thing to blaze over on the above top secret forums 
a little over a month ago and encouraged him to join this mailing list to hear 
from some real experts in the field which is how he wound up here. i agree his 
tune has changed incredibly from the beginning which is an awesome thing but 
still waiting for him to admit that there is a clear and direct line from Rossi 
to DGT and Rossi deserves to be recognized for that despite his character 

Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

>DGT stole a page from Rossi's book on the Ni-H scientific side, now they're
>stealing a page from his book on how to conduct business and promise
>undisclosed future promises of independent university testing.
>I think they were working with Rossi and decided for themselves that the
>guy was too mercurial and if a clown like him could find the secret, so
>could they.  Like someone sidling up to the Wright Brothers like Selfridge
>(the first person to die in a Wright Brothers accident) and steal the IP.
>That same approach was tried by no less an aeronautical luminary than
>Langley when he finally realized how far behind he was in his research.
>On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:00 PM, H Veeder <hveeder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> From MFMP's facebook page.
>> Harry
>> -----------
>> We are very sorry for the hiatus in our communications - we have been
>> working in...credibly intensely to move this field forward on several
>> fronts - all we can say is that we think ICCF-18 was a watershed for this
>> emerging science with excellent new discoveries and significant new
>> evidence of excess heat from Takahashi and Defkalion (DGT) as well as
>> strong new science related to LENR revealed by Carpintieri (piezo/cold
>> fission) and Vysotski (creation of collimated laser light from metal
>> induced by cavitation shockwaves).
>> It was also a triumph for the Live Open Science approach that the MFMP is
>> pioneering with the help of its followers. So many attendees offered
>> equipment, IP and technology to our effort, frankly it will take us weeks
>> to come to terms with. A revolution is coming and you are at the head of
>> the field.
>> We must reserve special congratulations to DGT for their Live Open
>> Scientific demonstration which was engaging and inspiring - would would
>> like to see them and others taking this approach more frequently in the
>> future.
>> We have been told by a trusted source, whom we can not disclose, that
>> there will be an independent report of DGT Hyperion technology published at
>> some point. It is understood that some respected university professors have
>> been involved. We certainly hope this is true and that we can have some
>> detailed, rigorous analysis to support the promising live demonstrations of
>> recent days.
>> By: Martin Fleischmann Memorial 
>> Project<https://www.facebook.com/MartinFleischmannMemorialProject?ref=stream>

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