I use the default PDF viewer of Chrome an I go to page3.
Adobe doc say it should do to page 2...
A chrome internal viewer  problem probably.

Just a software joke for the geek around :

a corporate IT selection test .
A Fortran Programmer, a cobol programmer,  an ada programmer, a java
programmer, and a C programmer :

the examinator give them one page and ask all to write answers on page
number 1.

The Fortran programmer read the test content and write the answers, then
quit the room.

The Cobol programmer, straighten his tie,  read the test content, write the
answers, put it in the common area,  then quit the room.

The Ada programmer, straighten his helmet,  read the test content, write
the answers,  check all, recheck all, take a rendez-vous with the
examinator, give the copy, then quit the room.

The Java programmer, look at the paper, finish his Kopi Luak cup, and with
a javanese accent answer :
Exception me sir, your index is out of my bound ( hum), he clean the desk,
empty the trash bin, and quit the room

The C programmer, take the paper, read the desk, the climb on the desk,
take an AK47 and write strange symbols with bullets all over the wall until
he get shot down by the SWAP team, who make this press communication : "We
did not ask for that tragic end, he did not answer to our signal, it was
his Segmentation Fault".

2013/8/22 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> Here is a document from Adobe that is actually readable:
> http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters.pdf
> It explains that you can jump to a page when you open an Acrobat document
> by appending "#page=nn"
> I just tested this. With the Acrobat reader built into the Chrome browser,
> this works. Sort of. It seems be going to the page number plus 1.
> Try this link:
> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/BiberianJPjcondensedf.pdf#page=30
> This goes to page 31 which is the start of the Bockris paper. This link
> goes to page 3 as far as I can tell:
> http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/BiberianJPjcondensedf.pdf#page=2
> I guess the first page is number zero. A typical programmer mentality.
> Please let me know if this does not work for you. Let me know what browser
> you are using.
> Anyway I will now begin inserting all of the individual papers within
> books and within John Paul's Journal, with links directly to the pages. I
> think I will change the button to say "INCLUDED" instead of "DOWNLOAD." If
> it does not jump to the right page the reader will have a clue that the
> paper is included in the document.
> - Jed

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