Forgot to include this link:

> Reactor for energy generation through low energy nuclear reactions (lenr)
> between hydrogen and transition metals and related method of energy
> generation  -  US 20130243143 A1
> An embodiment of an apparatus includes a reaction chamber, a reaction
> unit, and an energy regulator. The reaction chamber includes an energy
> port, and the reaction unit is disposed in the reaction chamber and is
> configured to allow an energy-releasing reaction between first and second
> materials. And the energy regulator is configured to control a rate at
> which reaction-released energy exits the reaction chamber via the energy
> port. The reaction chamber may include a thermally conductive wall that
> forms a portion of the energy port, and the energy regulator may include a
> thermally conductive member and a mechanism configured to control a
> distance between the thermally conductive wall and the thermally
> conductive member. Furthermore, the reaction unit may include a mechanism
> configured to facilitate the reaction between the first and second
> materials, and may also include a mechanism configured to control a rate
> at which the reaction releases energy.

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