Following the work of Marshall McLuhan, I have come to see things like synchronicity and ESP as future skills of human mind technology (future for me and the bulk of humanity! though some are evolved faster)

According to McLuhan, a new technology emerges as a figure from a ground, to borrow art vocabulary.

Also, according to McLuhan, "effects precede causes". This is because the service environment for any new technology is already forming to accomodate the new technology.

Right now, we are living "complex clairvoyance", synchronicity, ESP, and bi-location (among other effects) through digital technology. In cyberspace (such a quaint term!) I can be in Tokyo and Florida at once. Asking my friend to turn on the radio in Florida effects change, though I am not there. The speed-of-light communication allows synchronicity of events, and thoughts.

To follow McLuhan, this ground portends our future "figure".

We are right now living in a world of abundant information, continuously flowing, infinite, seemingly with no end, and nearly free.

We need breakthrough energy hardware technology to complete the transformation, and allow human chemical bodies to catch up to our current software world, and as my friend Bob says, end the "friction of rent".


On 11/11/13 7:01 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

>I myself have no trace of ESP.
Yes, you do!

<Personal Suspicion>

I think we all do, regardless of we admit it to ourselves or not.
Ironically, hunting for "ESP" is a surefire way of NOT finding it. No wonder
CISCOP has had a field day dissing the subject. It's so easy for them not to
find any trace of it.;-)

I'm under the belief that some forms of synchronicity are nothing more than
the "physics" of ESP in action. (A so called mechanized manifestation of the
phenomenon.) It might help to perceive the universe is a huge pattern
recognition hologram.

</Personal Suspicion>
Ruby Carat <>
Skype ruby-carat <>

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