How fast can an automobile manufacturer fit all the pieces of the Hybrid
auto puzzle together - and come up with a superior solution?

The best solution for the low range and high lithium battery cost - in
battery operated vehicles is almost a no-brainer... use a tiny, single rotor
Wankel engine to provide the vastly increased range - but only when you need
it (at less than 100 pounds of weight) with no worry of running out of
charge on the freeway ... 

...but it took quite a while to get here. 

This little Mazda gives great performance. Unlike the Chevy Volt, and
others, which use a nearly regular-sized 4-cylinder engine at 400 pounds
minimum, this small Wankel will fit in a suitcase (literally). What you see
under the hood is the electric motor and controller. The Wankel is hidden
away in the rear.

Cough... cough... Funny I remember something like this coming up for
discussion here about 5 years ago. 

The solution to the range problem of Hybrids was as obvious then, as it is

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