From: Mike Carrell 


Alan , BLP belongs to the chemical world, LENR= Low Energy Nuclear
Reactions, a whole different world. 



This clearly defined kind of bifurcation is what Randell Mills and his
financial backers would dearly love for you to believe. It can mean billions
to them in the end. 


Mike could be correct on this or not, but it is imperative to state all of
the options. For many on the fence - BLP has not yet come close to making a
good case for that "chemical only" proposition. 


I can almost guarantee that Mills device will produce the same low levels of
transmutation that are seen in LENR, and this is precisely why he lets no
one into that Lab without the strictest NDA you have ever seen. It is his
billion dollar secret and it is well-protected.


In fact, it is just as likely that BLP is indeed the using same underlying
modus operandi as LENR whether Mills likes it or not. Even the most
brilliant inventor does not get to dictate the science and physics which
make a device work or not. This will NOT be Mills prerogative, in the end -
brilliant as he is.


However, there is also a third view which has been voiced over the years on
Vortex - and it is the one which gets comparatively little press because it
pleases neither camp. 


This is the view that the hydrino is a predecessor state or condition which
may produce a little excess energy on its own - but it inevitably goes to
LENR as the next step. IOW the hydrino is the predecessor state to LENR. 


It is worth repeating that this stance pleases almost no one in either camp,
and therefore to the contrarian - it must be correct :-)




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