From: Edmund Storms 
                Mills focuses only on creation of the state, not its role in
LENR... He took this stand early even though he saw and reported tritium
production because he did not want to get sucked in the rejection hole into
which LENR had fallen. 

Excellent point, Ed

This may come as a bombshell to a few vorticians ... tritium ... from
Randell Mills ... wow, and no doubt Mills would like to take that particular
report back. Never mind that it goes back over 20 years.

Lucky for him that Fusion Technology is so stingy with their online access.

But a slight amount of tritium is probably unavoidable in any reaction of
hydrogen in a transition metal - a least one that runs for longer than a day
or two. 

OTOH, the presence of tritium even in tiny amounts is UNEQUIVOCAL proof of
LENR. So that's a pretty good thing (for everyone but BLP). The downside is
that this could keep LENR out of the US house, or US automobile, until such
a time that it can be dealt with by the bureaucracy. 

No problem for China. Breathing a bit of tritium could be an improvement
over the normal air quality there :-)

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