On 02/25/2014 03:47 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
So I've heard. Ummm . . . What was that again are you talking about? I still don't get it.

I have heard it is evil but I wouldn't know. See:


- Jed

Well, it's a political issue to call it evil. Some people think it's one of the greatest monetary inventions. Ironically, in that Krugman article, he's not really calling it evil. He's basically saying that he is having second thoughts about it, and may reconsider his original negative attitude toward it.

But if you still don't get it, then imagine a paypal application on your Android phone; only instead of the Paypal account holding US dollars, it holds bitcoins. You can send or receive bitcoins from anyone, anywhere, at any time, though a decentralized network of bitcoin nodes. Settlement occurs in about 10 minutes, on average. Bitcoins can be exchange for dollars, and all other international currencies, though local exchanges, like MtGox, which had the lion's share of the business, until recently.


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