The recent Mt. Gox development is fascinating to watch.

Some important details:

   - There's no hard evidence at any point that anyone has lost their
   bitcoins.  Bitcoin transactions are permanently recorded in a distributed
   ledger, whose distributed character makes it quite difficult to forge
   - What Mt. Gox has done is to take customers' hard cash and give them
   units of bitcoin in exchange.  Those transactions were presumably
   permanently recorded in the ledger as a transfer.  Then, as far as we know,
   there was a distributed attack that made use of a misunderstanding on Mt.
   Gox's part about how a quirk in the bitcoin protocol works to trick Mt. Gox
   into giving away part of its capital reserves to people who did not
   actually hold bitcoin with Mt. Gox.  In practical terms, that appears to
   mean that Mt. Gox has given away money and is now undercapitalized (i.e.,
   it cannot redeem the withdrawal requests of all of its account holders,
   taken together).
   - To the best of my knowledge, Mt. Gox may still have a significant
   portion of the capital amount still in its possession, and therefore would
   be able to redeem part of peoples' requests for withdrawal.  Out of the
   estimated 400,000,000 USD in bitcoin managed by Mt. Gox, I have heard that
   somewhere on the order of 40,000,000 dollars were incorrectly disbursed, as
   a result of this attack.
   - Right now Mt. Gox appears to be in bunker mode, trying to figure out
   how to next proceed in what must be an incredibly tense situation for
   everyone involved.

I have not been following the details closely, and all of this should be
vetted.  Please correct anything I might have gotten wrong.  I'm no big fan
of Bitcoin, but what this vulnerability seems to demonstrate is not a
weakness in cryptocurrencies in general, or even in the core technology in
Bitcoin (something that might become apparent at some point later on in the
future), but instead a weakness in the implementation of a non-core detail
relating to Bitcoin.  The Bitcoin ledger itself has not been compromised,
so unless we learn otherwise we can assume that all amounts in Bitcoin have
been retained by the account holders.  What seems to be at stake is whether
they will be able to redeem with Mt. Gox and how it's going to unwind its


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