Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The exchange's CEO Mark Karpeles appeared before Japanese TV news
> cameras, bowing deeply. He said a weakness in the exchange's systems
> was behind a massive loss of the virtual currency . . .

That should be the top story on NHK 7 o'clock news. I think I saw that guy
yesterday. He speaks very good Japanese.

These corporate bozos are always bowing deeply and apologizing to the
public on NHK. Then when the police haul them away, the perps cover their
heads with jackets. If they are so mortified, why do they do whatever it is
they do anyway? It is usually something foolish. I get it when someone is
caught stealing money, but the typical Japanese mass media story is about
some two-bit nitwit. Like that guy Samuragochi who pretended he was deaf
and he was composing music. It turns out he can hear and someone else was
composing the music. Or the architect Aneha who build several apartment
buildings and hotels with nowhere near enough steel in the concrete. They
had to be torn down. Or some old biddy running a prestigious 5th generation
food company in Osaka, who was repeatedly caught adulterating food and
selling expired food.

Ridiculous flim-flam artists thrive in Japan. I guess because people take
things so seriously, they are wide open to grifters and phonies.

- Jed

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