He discovered Ps but I doubt if he was supportive of LENR. He was considered 
for the Nobel but lost out, if this obit is correct

Deutsch was negative on LENR IIRC and went out of his way to criticize P&F.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook 

It may have been Martin Deutsch--Nobel Prize 1956--He worked on the 
Manhattan Project and was at MIT.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jones Beene" 

Does anyone remember who first proposed this for LENR?

Hmmm... could it be Julian Schwinger ???

Not a bad pedigree for the field.

Sorry to pun-ish you, but wouldn't this make Jules the original free swinger 

“If you can’t join them, beat them.”
- Julian Schwinger, Nobel prize winner in Physics, 1965

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