Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> I sincerely doubt that a journal will pick it up, so it will most likely
> be self-published (again) and generally ignored (again).

I think there is no chance any journal will publish this. Self-publication
is fine. It will be ignored, but that does not matter either. Important
people are aware of this, and they will act if the results are positive.

As I have often said, a tight conspiracy is fine at this stage, as long as
it includes People With Money. That is what we have been missing for the
last 25 years. At this stage, we do not need support from general public or
the readers of *Nature* magazine.

Later, if it becomes generally known that cold fusion is real, the
conventional energy industry will attack the research. At present, only the
plasma fusion scientists attack it, because they are the only ones
threatened by it. Once it becomes generally known that Rossi devices run at
kilowatts for months at a time, at high temperatures, you can be sure that
the oil companies, coal, wind, conventional fission, and other energy
producers will come down on cold fusion like a ton of bricks.

The record of the energy industry shows what will happen. The Koch brothers
and other vested interests in energy spend hundreds of millions fighting
progress in the energy sector, and working to discredit climatology and
global warming research. They pay for political campaigns, advertising, and
they work behind the scenes buying off politicians and journalists. Not
only do they fight against regulating CO2, they work to prevent the
reduction of conventional air pollution from things like sulfur, and to
stop North Carolina and other states from regulating coal ash dumps which
threaten the entire state with massive release of with toxic chemicals.
They managed to stop the development of electric cars until the Nissan Leaf
came out. They battle against efficiency in light bulbs, refrigerators and
automobiles. They encourage science-illiterate journalists such as George
Will, who recently wrote that replacing incandescent lights with CFL and
LED lights, ". . . has no effect whatever on the planet, but it makes
people feel good about themselves."

I am sure the industry will ramp up these attacks 10-fold, or 100-fold to
stop cold fusion. They will do everything in their power to cut research
funding, slander the researchers, and prevent commercialization.
Fortunately, commercialization will be paid for by a small number of
powerful, wealthy people who will not be swayed by advertising campaigns.

Once the political attacks begin, we will definitely need the general
public! At that point, everything will depend on politics, and on rival
public relations campaigns. Without broad public support there is no chance
cold fusion will be commercialized.

I doubt that the energy industry has prevented research up until now. I
doubt they even knew about it, other than a small number of energy industry
people who visit For the last 25 years research was stymied
by people such as Robert Park, the Jasons and others in the physics
establishment. I know for a fact these people have been pulling strings and
interfering in normal funding and journal publication. Heck, they brag
about doing that!

- Jed

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